Thursday, December 10, 2009


"your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

that rut is called something!

i had a major discovery yesterday!
that rut I keep mentioning every now and then in this blog, and that i have slowly been getting myself out of, has a name! it's called RUSTOUT.

Richard Leider and Steve Bruchhoz, writes in their book The Rustout Syndrome:

"rustout is the slow death that follows when we stop making the choices that keep life alive. it's the feeling of numbness that comes from always taking the safe way, never accepting new challenges, continually surrendering to the day-to-day routine. rustout means we are no longer growing, but at best, are simply maintaining. it implies that we have traded the sensation of life for the security of a paycheck ...
rustout is the opposite of burnout. burnout is overdoing. rustout is underbeing."

it's exactly how i've felt for a while after i became a mom two years ago. feeling strapped for time to do the things on my list and use my creativity in the way i ultimately wanted to. i felt i was just maintaining, and not growing.
burnout will wear down the body, but rustout can wipe out your soul and your spirit.
it is a horrible place to be. but then again, that place can teach us a lot of things about ourselves and if we are aware and willing to ask ourselves questions then we can come out of it with extremely rich answers that help us de-rust.

on that note, Jack Kornfeld:
"the questions asked at the end of life are very simple ones: "did i love well? did i love the people around me, my community, the earth, in a deep way?" And perhaps, " did i live fully? did i offer myself to life?"