i had a wonderful christmas and an even better new year celebration. i ended 2009 and began 2010 practicing yoga and getting my asana kicked by Vinnie Marino, a teacher from LA visiting NYC. [i have written about him on this blog before, check practice link].
his classes are really really challenging, but really really good.
attending another teacher's class is always important, for so many reasons. first and foremost because i'm not in control i get worked in areas i normally might not focus on myself and that is always enlightening.
i don't start off this year with a bunch of new year's resolutions. i honestly don't believe they work. i do, however, start off this year with the mantra: YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY!
so if there is something i want to accomplish this year i have to do something every day that moves me toward that goal.
all the successful people i encounter don't set goals or new year's resolutions. they know what they want, they know they are capable, and they go for it. they all say the same:
it's discipline on a daily basis. you can't just sit and talk about doing something. you have to actually do it.
that is YOGA. on the mat and off the mat.
you can't wish that handstand is going to happen. you have to on a daily basis step on the mat and practice that handstand. over and over again. consistent work, patience, focus and compassion. at times it's scary, boring, amazing, balanced, completely off and everything under the sun. but that is the practice.
FIND YOUR OWN FLOW AND FLOW WITH IT. it will happen, at least SOMETHING will come out of SOMETHING. nothing comes out of nothing. every day we make that choice.
2010 will be here for one whole year, but don't wait for tomorrow, or for monday to get started. start today and use every day to be what you do every day.
may you, and everyone around you be happy and prosperous.
be amazing,
a :-)