Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's GOA shoot with Jill Miller & Janet Stone

i had such a fun time on the Let's GOA shoot today with two amazing yoginis, Jill Miller and Janet Stone. we captured amazing footage of them talking (separately) about what yoga is to them, their practice, philosophy on life, food and much much more.

so far i've interviewed 5 teachers and i'm loving the opportunity they are giving me to talk with them about their experiences of yoga, being a teacher as well as a yoga practitioner. i am so inspired and so motivated to continue this work of spreading the love of yoga, fitness and life. there is so much to capture!
you'll see the full interview of the two J's (janet and jill) for may and june, with a few teasers in-between :-)

a funny thing happened. as we were wrapping up with Janet, Jill walks in and it turns out that they knew each other just from being famous yoga teachers and facebook friends. they got to meet each other in person at a Let's GOA shoot! not a Yoga Journal conference, a Let's GOA shoot!

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