Monday, September 21, 2009

international peace day

smack in the middle of union square park there is a statue of Gandhi. it is so amazing i think that someone put him there. every time i walk by this statue i pause. i take a moment, a deep breath and i feel the peace within me. one day i took my camera with me just to take a picture of this statue. the city offers so many spots where we can find peace, but really, as Gandhi and yogis believe: peace is within us.

Gandhi practiced what he preached. he believed that we need to: BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE!

it's as simple (and as challenging) as this.

take a moment whereever you are. pause. breathe. notice what's around you. the people you surround youself with. are you allowing yourself to be the change you want to see in this world?

today, and every day,
a :-)


"finish each day and be done with it. you have done what you could, some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. tomorrow is a new day. you shall begin it serenely and with too high spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense"

just brilliantly said! we all know it. let's try to practice it :-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

september video 2 - Hummingbird pose

here you go! have fun incorporating this pose into your practice. if you come to my class this month it will be part of the flow.
step by step - breath by breath - enjoy the challenge - have fun flying -
it gets easier :-)

[notice] this is my second video posting, the quality is getting better. i'm new to this whole thing of being infront of the camera. i am following the same principles as learning an asana. i am doing it step by step, breath by breath. i am enjoying the challenge and i am having a lot of fun in the process. i notice my tech muscle is strengthening!! it can only get better from here. fly hummingbird, fly! :-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

september is a great month to ....

1. get started on the goals you set for yourself in august (or maybe back in january? remember them?)
2. practice a completely new yoga pose (how about hummingbird pose? see picture (found on, video of me giving you directions on how to make this happen is coming!!)
3. buy something for your fall/winter wardrobe. somebody has to keep stimulating the economy
4. increase your home cooking repertoire. make 4 new recipes (one each week of the month)
5. let go of some old baggage on the full moon on friday september 4th
6. start something new on the new moon on friday september 18th
7. celebrate international day of peace on monday september 21st
8. celebrate autumn equinox on tuesday september 22nd
9. do something that makes you reeeeally happy :-) (maybe hummingbird pose??)