Wednesday, September 2, 2009

september is a great month to ....

1. get started on the goals you set for yourself in august (or maybe back in january? remember them?)
2. practice a completely new yoga pose (how about hummingbird pose? see picture (found on, video of me giving you directions on how to make this happen is coming!!)
3. buy something for your fall/winter wardrobe. somebody has to keep stimulating the economy
4. increase your home cooking repertoire. make 4 new recipes (one each week of the month)
5. let go of some old baggage on the full moon on friday september 4th
6. start something new on the new moon on friday september 18th
7. celebrate international day of peace on monday september 21st
8. celebrate autumn equinox on tuesday september 22nd
9. do something that makes you reeeeally happy :-) (maybe hummingbird pose??)

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