Monday, August 31, 2009

goa challenge - 4th and last week!!

the goa challenge was a challenge, that is for sure.
i am so glad i put myself on the challenge, but i am so happy that the month is over :-)

i have decided that i will make the goa challenge an annual occasion. every august i will put myself on a new challenge and next year i will invite you to join me!!

this month i worked on a lot of the things i had on my list, and i got myself out of a rut i've felt i've been in for some time.
it is very important for me to exercise and practice yoga, if not 7 days a week, 5-6 days a week. i have a lot of pitta (fire) in me, but i am very much a vata (air)person so i tend to get very airy, and just want to roam around aimlessly. so exercising and practicing yoga is a must for me to stay focused and remind myself of the strengths and possibilites that are within me.

i am very aware of my weaknesses, but i might not always be so willing to change them. a huge epiphany happened this month in that i realized that the reason i end up in a stuck place is that i have not been willing to let go and change something that i know is not moving me forward.
when we are afraid of letting go and we hang on to stuff that we know are not going to move us forward, we are bound to end up feeling stuck.

this is why it is important for me to practice yoga, run, dance, do weights, to release stuck energy and harness energy to move forward.
it is extremely important to me to move forward. i need to feel i'm progressing.

life is nothing but interesting. there is always an opportunity to learn, and i feel that by being on the path of yoga the sky is the limit.

life is exactly the way we see it. it's about making the most out of it.

carpe diem!

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