Sunday, August 16, 2009

what is wrong with this?

{i'll get to this picture in a minute ...}

so the media is at it again. first it was wrong that our First Lady wore sleeveless dresses. how could she show off her arms? and they are too toned! she should be covering them up!

now it's all about her legs. this week on vacation in the sweltering heat, she wore short-shorts. oh, no, how could she show off her legs like this? she should be covering up those legs. she can't show off toned legs like this!

the chatter goes on ....
she is the First Lady of the United States! shouldn't she be covering up her body??? this is not appropriate, none of the other First Ladies has ever dressed like this, showing off their arms AND their legs.

my goodness, for Heavens Sake. what is wrong with the media? how puritanical can we get?
i am not against the media at all, but SERIOUSLY, no wonder we got body issues.
the reason i am "blaming" the media is, i have not heard anyone in my circle of friends or students or clients feeling that our First Lady should be covering up. on the blogs i have visited, all comments are positive. go for it, leave her along, she is gorgeous, she's got a gorgeous body she should show it off, the list goes on and it's a long list of positives.

I AGREE. our First Lady is gorgeous and she should show off what's she's got. she is such a breath of fresh air.
i think the media just wants to create a stir, it gives them something to do. it's a yoga moment in there for us to "catch it" and chose for ourselves what we believe. it's a wonderful moment to create a strong center within ourselves.

so to the picture above. all over New York City i see the new Calvin Klein underwear ads. to me, these ads are AMAZING. the models Eva Mendes and Jamie Dornan are gorgeous. looking at their bodies makes me want to go to the gym every single day (which i happen to be doing these days!! part of my Goa challenge). it doesn't make me feel bad about myself, or make me feel like i want to be them, it just inspires me to work on the body i have and make it stronger and in better shape.

but it seems like there are issues out there with this ad campaign too, just google it. again, it's hard to know if it's just media stirring things up, or if actual people have been complaining.
the TV ad featuring Eva Mendes for Calvin Klein's perfume 'Obsession' got banned from TV (and YOUTUBE) for being too sensual!! google that too and you will see.

let's loosen up a bit and create self-esteem and a love for our bodies, so when we see advertisement around us, we don't automatically have to feel bad about ourselves, but try to look at it for what it is. (and remind ourselves that in any picture you see, allot of retouching is involved :-) it doesn't make me feel better or worse, it's just the reality).

but again, i don't know how much it is the public that is so against this, just like with the whole hoopla about the First Lady, or if it is the media that makes it into a big thing.

in my opinion i don't understand what the whole fuss is about ... just a few of my thoughts in the sweltering heat :-)

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